The Kerala government has dismissed 108 police officers from service for their involvement in criminal activities since 2016, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said on Monday. On the allegations of a rise in goon and mafia violence in the state, Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan said such gangs are constantly monitored by the intelligence wing, Answering a question raised in the state …
After a terror plot was unearthed following the October 23 car explosion in Coimbatore, two Assistant Commissioners of Police in the intelligence wing of the city police have been transferred. P. Parthiban has been transferred from the Intelligence Section to the Singanallur range, says an order issued by the Director-General of Police on Saturday. Earlier, he served as the ACP …
The Narcotics Control Bureau is gearing up to counter technology-led drug smuggling in India, having received clearance to increase its strength by 1,800 and set up a cyber-wing where experts will track and crackdown on smuggling activity done through Darknet and cryptocurrencies. Sources told that the NCB had sent a proposal to the government for 3,000 additional posts and …