International Human Solidarity Day is observed annually on December 20, serving as a reminder of the importance of solidarity in addressing global challenges. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Establishment : International Human Solidarity Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 22, 2005, by resolution 60/209. World solidarity fund: The establishment of the World Solidarity Fund in 2003 aimed to eradicate …
In a world often marked by division, December 20th stands as a beacon of hope and unity, a day dedicated to celebrating the power of International Human Solidarity. International Human Solidarity Day: History International Human Solidarity Day, celebrated on December 20th, wasn't just born out of wishful thinking. This principle of shared responsibility paved the way for the establishment of …
International Human Solidarity Day is an annual occasion marked by countries across the globe. On this Human Solidarity Day, the international community comes together to pledge to adopt ways to promote the well-being of the global community and eradicate poverty, hunger, and diseases. Scroll through to International Human Solidarity Day Date: Every year, International Human Solidarity Day is marked on …
International Human Solidarity Day 2020 is observed annually on December 20 by the UN General Assembly. Thus, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 20 as International Human Solidarity Day. History of International Human Solidarity Day 2020 The General Assembly, on December 22, 2005, by resolution 60/209 recognized solidarity as one of the fundamental and universal values in the twenty-first century. …