Xiaomi launched the Mi 9 for the global market on Sunday afternoon at the Mobile World Congress 2019 event. For the videos, the Mi 9 manages to score 99 points in DxoMark, which is higher than even the iPhone XS Max and Google Pixel 2. The DxoMark score reveals that the Xiaomi Mi 9 has the best -- better than …
Ever since it launched, Google Pixel 2 acquired a reputation for being the best camera smartphone in the market. Image quality review site, DxOMark, has finally released its review for the Apple iPhone XR, which was alongside its two siblings- iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max- in September this year. And the site has rated iPhone XR, which was the …
The Huawei Mate 20 Pro’s feature set is beyond anything you have seen on a smartphone in 2018. So we now have the Huawei Mate 20 Pro with an in-display fingerprint reader, 3D face unlock, a massive 4,200 mAh battery, wireless charging capabilities that can not only charge the phone, but charge other phones wirelessly and that camera that will …
Premium does not necessarily mean good-looking, and that is a problem the Pixel 3 XL has to deal with. It’s such a huge jump that if it wasn’t for the camera, this display would easily have been the defining feature of the phone The Google Pixel 3 XL also gets HDR support. On a related note, the Pixel 3 XL’s …