Apple has announced that in India the pricing of the iPhone XS Max will start at Rs 1,09,900. I’m here to tell you that if you do skip on spending the Rs 1 lakh plus on the iPhone XS, there are many things you can buy. iPhone Model Official India Price iPhone XR 64 GB 76,900 iPhone XR 128 GB …
So it is finally upon us. However, for the sake of inclusion, I’ll take the iPhone XR, Galaxy Note 9, and the iPhone 8 Plus as phones whose prices come close to the iPhone XS. Smartphone iPhone XS iPhone XR Galaxy Note 9 iPhone X iPhone 8 Plus Display Size 5.8 6.1 6.4 5.8 5.5 Resolution 1125 x 2436 828 …
This year Apple has decided to simplify its iPhone product lineup but has complicated their naming scheme. But this year, Apple fans and prospective smartphone users get two expensive iPhones, which are the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max, and one "affordable" iPhone that is the iPhone XR. If the design and the screen in the iPhone XS and …
It is speculated that Apple might also offer a 512 GB model for few or all of the three iPhones. In a recent leak, the name of the upcoming OLED iPhones was speculated to be iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max instead of the Plus label. It is speculated that Apple might also offer a 512 GB model, but whether …