In addition to the recent price cut of Rs 17,000, the iPhone XR is down by another Rs 10,000 during the sale. Apple iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus The iPhone 8 does not have a very big discount for the 64 GB model, which is priced at Rs 56,999, however, for 256 GB variant of the smartphone, Amazon is …
With smartphones falling prey to the economies of mass scale, quality control over millions of hundreds of different models becomes challenging. According to one of the latest reports from iDropNews, a man from Ohio going by the name of Josh Hillard has mentioned that his iPhone XS Max exploded in his pocket and caused him injuries while damaging his clothes …
The doorstep delivery is only for post-paid customers who will pre-book the new iPhones. Bharti Airtel said it will start doorstep delivery of premium smartphones iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max from September 28 in 20-25 cities. “Starting customers can pre-order iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max on its Online Store. The Airtel online store mentioned that store pick up …
Except in China, Hong Kong and Macau, the dual-SIM setup for everyone else is a nano + e-SIM setup. Interestingly, for the rest of the world, Apple introduced a non-traditional dual-SIM setup on the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, where instead of a slot for two physical SIMs, it has one slot for a nano-SIM, and the other one …