In a news report, a new iPhone XS Max allegedly caught fire. The incident took place in Ohio, United States, wherein a man named Josh Hillard claimed that his new iPhone XS Max caught fire and exploded in his pants. Josh Hillard claimed that he noticed smoke coming out from the iPhone XS Max and felt 'a large amount of …
With smartphones falling prey to the economies of mass scale, quality control over millions of hundreds of different models becomes challenging. According to one of the latest reports from iDropNews, a man from Ohio going by the name of Josh Hillard has mentioned that his iPhone XS Max exploded in his pocket and caused him injuries while damaging his clothes …
Apple lately unveiled three new iPhones called the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR, which is an upgrade over the iPhone X. The iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max will be shipping this month, but the cheaper variant iPhone XR won't be arriving till late October due to hardware and software issues, suggested by analysts. Also, read: Xiaomi …