In addition to the recent price cut of Rs 17,000, the iPhone XR is down by another Rs 10,000 during the sale. Apple iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus The iPhone 8 does not have a very big discount for the 64 GB model, which is priced at Rs 56,999, however, for 256 GB variant of the smartphone, Amazon is …
After a long wait since Apple launched the new iPhones, Apple has launched the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max in India today. Right after the iPhone XS, the iPhone XS Max and the iPhone XR were announced, Airtel Online Store too had started taking the pre-orders for the phones. iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max price and specification …
From $19.99 to 2,773, here are some cases for the new iPhones for every budget. cases Available for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR, this case is called AirShock. The case also has these tiny air pockets, which work like springs, so that when your phone falls it absorbs the energy of an impact and disperses …