Xiaomi launched the Mi 9 for the global market on Sunday afternoon at the Mobile World Congress 2019 event. For the videos, the Mi 9 manages to score 99 points in DxoMark, which is higher than even the iPhone XS Max and Google Pixel 2. The DxoMark score reveals that the Xiaomi Mi 9 has the best -- better than …
Huawei Technologies Co. overtook Apple Inc. in August to become the second-biggest seller of smartphones globally, with just Samsung Electronics Co. left to beat. And on Tuesday it revealed the Mate 20 Pro—a flagship device to rival the iPhone Xs Max and Galaxy Note 9.All three devices share similarly large screens, powerful processors and sleek designs; and each represents a …
Is this the best iPhone money can buy? It’s very difficult to say if the dynamic range is significantly better than on the iPhone X, but the XS Max does employ Smart HDR and computational photography, so that really does help. Here’s a link to the Apple iPhone XS Max photo album on Flickr, in case you want to pixel-peep. …
London: Apple Inc. introduced the world to its largest-ever smartphone on Wednesday, the iPhone Xs Max. iPhone XS Max Vs Samsung’s Galaxy Note: Size and Weight Samsung’s Note 9 is the lighter of the two phones, weighing 201 grams compared to Apple’s 208 grams. iPhone XS Max Vs Samsung’s Galaxy Note Screen and Design Another important difference concerns “the notch." …