Hyderabad: The Vigilance and Enforcement officials, who conducted searches at the Hyderabad Cricket Association, served a notice to the Chief Executive Officer, HCA seeking details in connection with irregularities in the form of documents, records. In the notice, the Vigilance and Enforcement officials sought details of all purchases including copies of connected documents such as approvals of Apex Council, general …
Dhaka: Premier all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan’s request seeking a longer stint in the IPL has left the Bangladesh Cricket Board “disappointed” and it has decided to add new clauses in the players’ central contracts to avoid a similar situation in future. Shakib’s desire to play in the lucrative league in India at the expense of representing the national team in …
V. V. S. Laxman has hit out at Michael Clarke for his recent claims that Australian cricketers “sucked up” to India captain Virat Kohli during India’s tour of Australia in 2018-19 to protect their IPL contracts. “Just by being nice to someone doesn’t get you a place in IPL,” Laxman, who also mentors IPL team Sunrisers Hyderabad, told Star Sports …
Former India captain Krishnamachari Srikkanth has slammed Michael Clarke's claims that the Australian team sucked up to Virat Kohli and Co. during 2018/19 Test series Down Under to get IPL contracts. Earlier, Clarke claimed that current Australian players were too scared to "sledge" Kohli in the 2018/19 Test series and in order to protect their million dollars IPL deals. The …