India’s Dronavalli Harika got the better of former world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk in the third round of the Cairns Cup. Meanwhile, Koneru Humpy, the other Indian in the fray in the 10-player tournament, drew with reigning world champion Ju Wenjun of China in 22 moves late on Sunday, to take her tally to 1.5 points. Harika who is unbeaten after …
Harika who is unbeaten after three rounds, is joint second with two points along with former world champ Mariya Muzychuk and Kateryna Lagno St Louis : India’s Harika Dronavalli got the better of former world champion Alexandra Kosteniuk in the third round of the Cairns Cup here. Meanwhile, Koneru Humpy, the other Indian in the fray in the 10-player tournament, …