Delhi has added 101 new sites to its list of waterlogging hot spots this year as the city is bracing to welcome monsoon, officials aware of the matter said on Tuesday. Many road stretches in Lutyens’ Delhi such as Kartavya Path, Kautilya Marg, Kemal Attaturk Marg, Panchsheel Marg-San Martin Marg intersection, Rafi Marg have been added as flooding-prone zones by …
The Union government has constituted a committee to conduct a flood management study of the Yamuna from the Hathnikund barrage in Haryana to the Okhla barrage in Delhi, officials aware of the development said. The development comes after incessant rain in Delhi and states upstream led to the Yamuna swelling to a record 208.33m in July, inundating large parts of …
The Yamuna water caused flooding in several parts of Delhi including ITO area, which is a key route to commute from East Delhi to Central Delhi and Connaught Place. Chief minister Arvind Kejrwial said that the strong flow of the Yamuna river led to Indraprastha water regulator breach and is likely to be repaired in the next three-four hours. Delhi …
With the rising water level of the Yamuna causing flooding in many parts of the city, AAP and the BJP continued to spar on Thursday after 1.62 lakh cusecs of water was released from the Hathnikund barrage in Haryana. Hitting back, Devender Singh, Haryana CM’s adviser, said AAP’s allegation was “absolutely false” as Hathnikund is a barrage and there is …