Air India on Tuesday directed its pilots to keep the cockpits “sterile”, days after the aviation regulator issued notices to the airline’s top officials for not reacting fast enough to a violation of safety norms by one of its pilots who entertained a female friend in the cockpit. On April 21, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation off-rostered the entire …
North Korea boasted about ‘twice the air power’ of the South before it was hit with crippling sanctions over its nuclear weapons and missile programmes. The North Korean air force is so far behind that it is “simply incomparable” to other countries, North Korean studies scholar Ahn Chan-il told AFP. “The best card for North Korea to negotiate with the …
Highlights The pilots indulged in activities in violation of the code of conduct of the company, IndiGo said Recently IndiGo announced 8 per cent pay hike for its pilots effective from this month The airline said that it will raise pilots' pay by another 6.5 per cent by November Airline major IndiGo on Monday suspended some of its pilots on …
Tens of thousands of Ryanair passengers had their holiday plans thrown into doubt last night after its pilots threatened to go on strike. Tens of thousands of Ryanair passengers had their holiday plans thrown into doubt last night after its pilots threatened to go on strike Although Ryanair pilots are not paid as much as their counterparts at British Airways, …