Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus Ponniyin Selvan 2, which was released amid very high expectations, is struggling to pick up momentum at the box office after registering a solid start. As per trade sources, the film which has grossed over ₹280 crore so far globally, won’t be able to beat the lifetime gross earning of PS 1 which stands at over …
Actor Kamal Haasan’s Vikram has completed its theatrical run after 113 days to become the highest-grossing film ever in Tamil Nadu. The film features Kamal Haasan in the role of a former agent, Vikram, who sets out to avenge the death of his son, an undercover officer in the narcotics bureau. Industry tracker Ramesh Bala took to Twitter and wrote, …
Tamil actor Vijay, who has been working for over two decades, is currently at the biggest high of his career so far with an unprecedented fan base and a slew of blockbuster films to his credit. Bigil Atlee’s Bigil, a sports drama featuring Vijay in dual roles, released last year to thundering response at the box-office. India, the film went …