Lately, Bollywood has taken on social issues with a vengeance. Sadly, Jabariya Jodi, starring Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra, falls in the second category. Unfortunately, let alone comedy, the film’s social message is lost under forgettable songs, excruciating mindless entertainment, confused Bihari accents and a blotchy storyline. Following this, the film meanders in a confused manner as if director Prashant …
Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra-starrer Jabariya Jodi will now hit the theatres on August 9. According to a press release issued by the makers, the decision was taken after considering the fact that there are too many releases on August 2 and many previously released films are having a good run at the box office. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh said, …
Jabariya Jodi is based on a practice prevalent in Bihar, involving the abduction of the groom by the bride’s family and forcing him to marry. The trailer of Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra’s quirky comedy Jabariya Jodi has been dropped hours after the makers unveiled a new poster from the movie. Meanwhile, Parineeti, who last appeared in Kesari alongside Akshay …
Announcing the date for the trailer release of their upcoming film Jabariya Jodi, actors Parineeti Chopra and Sidhjarth Malhotra shared a motion picture of the film on Instagram, teasing fans with their characters. Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra team up for the second time with Jabariya Jodi. Sidharth is heard asking ‘Surprise party sune ho?’ and Parineeti joins in: “E …
Yet another hit song from the ’90s is set for a remake — Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra’s Jabariya Jodi will reportedly feature a reworked version of Thekeya Te Nit Kharke. According to a BollywoodHungama report, hit Punjabi song Thekeya Te Nit Kharke is being recreated for a wedding sequence in the upcoming movie. Watch the original song: …