The Central Board of Film Certification has made quite a few changes in the original version of Sidharth Malhotra-Parineeti Chopra-starrer Jabariya Jodi, giving it a U/A certificate. Apart from muting these words “ma***” and “ma**”, the word “ha****” has been replaced by two different words at different places — it is changed to “baklol” once and “bawli” the second time. …
Sonakshi Sinha and Sidharth Malhotra, the heroes of this week’s two socially relevant comedies, are in urgent need of a hit. He has never played a heartland-rooted character.” Veteran journalist Bharathi S. Pradhan adds, “I found Sidharth refreshingly desi in the trailer, quite different from his urbane image. So if the film runs, it will be a second innings of …