Former actor Sana Khan has shared new pictures and videos from her Srinagar honeymoon with husband Anas Sayied. Itni paagal jaisi thandi hai idhar.” To tackle the cold weather, Sana made herself a cup of tea, and shared that video as well. It’s Kashmir!” In another video, she’d said, “What a view, man!” Anas walked into the frame, saying, “Badi …
Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin fame actor Mona Singh turns 31 today. Mona made her mark with her debut TV show Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin, where she played the role of a plain and simple girl who has to face difficulties because of the way she looks. Kavach The supernatural drama has Mona Singh playing the role of Paridhi Bundela, a …
TV actor Karan Oberoi has been arrested for allegedly raping and blackmailing a woman in Mumbai. #UPDATE: TV Actor Karan Oberoi who was arrested in connection with an alleged rape case has been sent to police custody till May 9 by a Mumbai Court. Oberoi, who was a member of a Hindi boy band, ‘A Band of Boys’ started his …