With around 58% average voter turnout in five Lok Sabha seats in Jammu and Kashmir, the union territory saw its second best election performance in history. The data from the ECI, analyzed by News18 shows that the highest voter turnout reported in the Anantnag-Rajouri Lok Sabha seat, called Anantnag before delimitation, was in 1984. With the polling completed on this …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that only Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji's formula can work for Jammu and Kashmir. Talking about Jammu and Kashmir, in an exclusive interview with Aaj Tak in Varanasi, Prime Minister vowed to follow Vajpayee's doctrine of "Insaniyat, Jamhuriyat and Kashmiriyat" but with a caveat -- not to let the state be "emotionally blackmailed by …