Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday assured those seeking financial assistance for treatment of serious illnesses at “Janata Darshan” at Gorakhnath temple that the government would cover all their medical expenses. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath listening to people’s problems at Janata Darshan event in Gorakhpur. Before leaving for Jharkhand assembly election campaign, he met around 200 …
Bengaluru: A circular from the ruling Congress Government barred officials from attending Janata Darshan, a public redressal meeting by State president of Janata Dal Secular and Union Minister of Heavy Industries H.D Kumaraswamy in Mandya on Friday. Kumaraswamy termed it a politics of vengeance while Chief Minister Siddaramaiah stated “Old practice continued.” Kumaraswamy represents the Mandya parliamentary seat and told …
Labour Minister and district-in-charge for Dharwad Santosh Lad has said that the State government had decided to decentralise the ‘Janata Darshan’ programmes and starting from January 2024, taluk-level programmes would be held. Speaking at the Janata Darshan programme in Dharwad on Saturday, Mr. Lad said that after the new government was formed, the emphasis had been on redressing the woes …
Labour Minister and district-in-charge for Dharwad Santosh Lad has said that a total of 197 applications were received by the district administration during the Janata Darshan held on Monday and steps would be taken to resolve them as per the established norms and guidelines. Addressing presspersons after holding the ‘Janata Darshan’ programme in Dharwad on Monday, Mr. Lad said that …
Deputy Commissioner of Dharwad Gurudatta Hegde has promised that steps will be taken to ensure time-bound solutions to the issues raised during the Janata Darshan by finding local solutions as much as possible. Mr. Hegde said all necessary steps were being taken to respond to the people’s problems and officials had been given directions to respond immediately to the issues. …