Actor Priyanka Chopra is back to her first home in US, New York. On Wednesday, Priyanka's manager Anjula Acharia shared a couple of pictures with the actor as they hung out with their NRI friends and Kelly Ripa. She posed for a group picture with American TV host Kelly Ripa, Kama Sutra actor Sarita Choudhury, singer Jay Sean and even …
In a new Instagram video, singer Jay Sean sang the literal English translation of Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol's song Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna from their popular film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. The lyrics of the song go as: "Ye kudiyaan nashe di pudiyaan, ye munde gali de gunde," which literally translates to "These girls are packets of intoxication, these …
After American pop star Rihanna's recent tweet surrounding the farmers' protest in India, various international celebrities started sharing their views on the matter. The 39-year-old singer shared a photo from the farmers' protest on Instagram and called it "one of the largest protests ever in history". Have a look at his post here: This post comes after Rihanna extended support …