Jamnagar, Gujarat recently soaked in one of the most lavish weddings of all time. Rushiraj Sinh Jadeja or Jayraj as he is lovingly known by his fans showered almost Rs 1 crore in the form of Rs 2000 and Rs 500 notes. Man manages to collect Rs 46,500 at Rushiraj Sinh Jadeja's wedding. Even though the TikTok videos claim that …
Social media has opened doors for many people. Jayraj aka Rushiraj Sinh Jadeja is one such social media influencer who is a complete automobile fanatic. By doing thorough research on social media and how to make money out of it, he decided to become an influencer. Speaking about becoming an influencer, he said, “I never thought of becoming a blogger …
The trio of Suriya, director KV Anand, and composer Harris Jayaraj have already come together on two occasions previously, for Ayan and Maattraan. With both the albums leading to many chartbusters, expectations were riding high on their third union in Kaappaan, which is billed as the costliest film in Suriya’s career. Siriki Harris gets things started with a beautiful female …