RAIPUR: Three people were on Saturday arrested in connection with the murder of 32-year-old journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur district under south Bastar in Chhattisgarh, police said. The arrested people were identified as Ritesh Chandrakar, Dinesh Chandrakar and Mahendra Ramtek, while another suspect Suresh Chandrakar was absconding, police said. The slain journalist has recently exposed an alleged corruption scandal involving …
After the murder of Chhattisgarh’s young journalist, Mukesh Chandrakar, in Bijapur, Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai taking a strict stand on the heinous crime said that there is no place for crime and criminals in the state. Three people were arrested on Saturday in connection to the murder of a 33-year-old journalist whose body was found in a septic tank …
33-year-old journalist Mukesh Chandrakar was found dead on Friday in a septic tank on a local contractor's property. CM Vishnu Deo Sai assures punishment "I reiterate that no culprit involved in the brutal murder of young journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur will be spared at any cost. 33-year-old Mukesh Chandrakar was found dead in a septic tank on the property …