Beloved actress Joyce Randolph, best known for her role as the sassy and spirited Trixie Norton in the classic sitcom The Honeymooners, passed away peacefully in Manhattan at the age of 99. Joyce Randolph from The Honeymooners Joyce Randolph dies at 99 Randolph's career spanned decades, but it was her chemistry with Jackie Gleason and Art Carney in The Honeymooners …
NEW YORK — Joyce Randolph, a veteran stage and television actor whose role as the savvy Trixie Norton on “The Honeymooners” provided the perfect foil to her dimwitted TV husband, has died. Originating in 1950 as a recurring skit on Gleason’s variety show, “Cavalcade of Stars,” “The Honeymooners” still ranks among the all-time favorites of television comedy. Actress Joyce Randolph …
Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie on the TV series “The Honeymooners,” has died at age 99. Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie, the wife of New York City sewer worker Ed Norton, on the landmark 1950s sitcom “The Honeymooners,” has died at home in Manhattan at age 99. Randolph, who died Saturday of natural causes, was the last surviving principal cast …