Wayanad: Kerala Police has registered an FIR against state Bharatiya Janata Party chief K Surendran on Thursday in connection with a bribery case. This is the second FIR against the BJP state president on allegations that he had offered a bribe to Janathipathya Rashtriya Party leader CK Janu to contest from Sulthan Bathery constituency on NDA ticket during recently concluded …
Since its rout in the recently held assembly poll, in which the party lost its lone sitting legislative seat, the Kerala unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party is mired in a series of controversies. The defeat and its aftermath Following the poll debacle, in which the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance lost around three per cent of vote share compared to …
The Janadhipathya Rashtriya Party, launched before the 2016 Kerala Assembly election, has decided to support the Left Democratic Front in the coming Lok Sabha polls. “We had already held several rounds of discussions with LDF leaders, mainly CPI State secretary Kanam Rajendran and CPI leader and Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes A.K. After its formation, the …