Neetu Kapoor, who lost her husband Rishi Kapoor in April 2020, revealed that she still struggles with doing things on her own, without the late actor. Neetu said that she even missed a recent function, where she was due to receive an award, as she felt awkward going alone. Neetu will now be making a comeback to films with JugJugg …
Jugjugg Jeeyo is all set to release on June 24 and promotions are going in full swing. NAIN TA HEERE OUT NOW A new song from Jugjugg Jeeyo, titled Nain Ta Heere is finally out now. Nain Ta Heere is a romantic number that traces Varun Dhawan and Kiara Advani’s love story in the film. Also, in case you are …
Salman Khan, as usual, made sure he stole the show at IIFA 2022 last night. Bollywood’s Bhaijaan was the host of main event along with Ritesh Deshmukh and Maniesh Paul. While we had already numerous shared photos and videos from the same, a behind-the-scenes footage of IIFA hosts Salman, Ritesh and Maniesh recreating Jugjugg Jeeyo track, The Punjaabban Song hook …
Veteran actor Neetu Kapoor on Sunday said the upcoming comedy "Jugjugg Jeeyo" is the perfect project to end her nine-year sabbatical from acting, a decision she believes her late husband and frequent co-star Rishi Kapoor would have been happy about. Neetu Kapoor, known for her films like "Kabhi Kabhie", "Amar Akbar Anthony", "Kaala Patthar" and "Yaarana", said returning to work …