Actor Kiara Advani and the entire cast of JugJugg Jeeyo are celebrating the warm responses their film has received. Now, her stylist has revealed in a new Instagram post that Kiara's every look for JugJugg Jeeyo promotions was inspired by her film's character, Naina. Kiara Advani's stylist says her JugJugg Jeeyo promotion looks inspired from her character, drops pics in …
There are two very taut, skilled scenes in director Raj Mehta ’s sophomore feature film. Naina and Kuku return only to learn that Kuku’s father Bheem is also contemplating divorce from his 35-year marriage to Geeta. As Naina’s logo-loving brother Gurpreet, Maniesh Paul amps up the humorous tone of a film that oscillates between farce and the pain of an …