Varun Dhawan has said that he believes there has been a decline in the number of big-scale Hindi commercial films because of ‘Western’ influence. The actor, who is basking in the success of his recent release JugJugg Jeeyo also took a dig at analysts and experts from the industry who predict the box office performances of films. From the biggest …
Jugjugg Jeeyo’s apologetic feminism aims to cater to both feminists and conservatives. Language: Hindi In some ways, the new Hindi film Jugjugg Jeeyo reminds me of the recent Malayalam release Jo and Jo. Raj Mehta ’s Jugjugg Jeeyo – written by Anurag Singh, Rishhabh Sharrma, Sumit Batheja and Neeraj Udhwani – is more committed to its ideals than Jo and …
Actor Varun Dhawan has said that nobody in the Hindi film industry 'knows s***' about trends and what works and what doesn't at the box office. In an interview, Varun added that not even the 'most successful producers' or directors know anything about what works. Varun Dhawan spoke about trends in the film industry. Nobody knows s***, Let's just say …
Filmmaker Karan Johar has spoken about South Indian films performing better than Hindi films at the box office. During the trailer launch event of his upcoming film JugJugg Jeeyo, Karan responded to a question on why he addressed the trailer as 'Hindi film trailer'. Karan lauded the business done by RRR, KGF Chapter 2 and Pushpa, and said the directors …