Neeraj Udhwani, director of comedy show Tripling season 3 and co-screenplay writer of JugJugg Jeeyo, has opened up about old couples breaking up after decades of marriage in both the projects. While Tripling season 3 revolves around three siblings dealing with their parents’ separation, JugJugg Jeeyo ended with Anil Kapoor’s Bheem and Neetu Kapoor’s Geeta calling it quits in the …
Kiara Advani and Varun Dhawan got candid and spoke about different aspects of life in an interview with Cosmopolitan India. While Kiara revealed the qualities she is looking for in her ideal life partner, Varun spilled the beans on his upcoming films, Bhediya and Jugjugg Jeeyo. KIARA LISTS ALL THE QUALITIES SHE IS LOOKING FOR IN HER PARTNER Kiara Advani …