Actor Mahesh Babu recently opened up about his smoking scenes in his latest film, Guntur Kaaram. Mahesh Babu on smoking scenes in Guntur Kaaram Mahesh Babu said, “I don't smoke and won't encourage smoking as well. There was no tobacco in it.” About Guntur Kaaram Guntur Kaaram features Mahesh Babu in the lead and is directed by Trivikram Srinivas. Before …
Madhoo of Roja fame is back with a web series, Sweet Kaaram Coffee, and has now opened up about the reason behind her exit from the film industry after delivering several superhit films in the 90s. Madhoo was recently seen as Menaka in Samantha Ruth Prabhu-starrer Shaakuntalam.Her Tamil web show Sweet Kaaram Coffee was released on Thursday. Madhoo said she …