Pushpa 2 makers on Friday treated fans with the first look character poster of Rashmika Mandanna on the occasion of her 28th birthday. However, soon after the new poster was unveiled, netizens started comparing it with Mahesh Babu from one of the scenes of his recent release Guntur Kaaram. One such page on X named VardhanDHFM wished Rashmika on her …
It was after two years that Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu was having a movie release and that too a festival release. It was not a good choice.” So, will the average response to this film make Mahesh Babu rethink his career strategy? A producer in the Telugu film industry, on condition of anonymity, states that Mahesh Babu needs a big …
The makers of Guntur Kaaram have some bad news for fans. The makers of Trivikram Srinivas’ Mahesh Babu and Sreeleela starrer will announce a new event date and venue soon. Mahesh Babu in a still from Guntur Kaaram Pre-release postponed Producer Naga Vamsi announced on X that the film’s event was postponed. He wrote, “Despite our best efforts, due to …