Four persons were killed in separate accidents reported in Dakshina Kannada on Sunday and Monday. A 40-year-old resident of Mandya died after the car he was travelling with his friends in fell into a stormwater drain in Kidu of Bilinele village of Kadaba taluk on Monday afternoon. The Bantwal Traffic police said M. Chidananda Kamath, 53, was riding his motorcycle …
A 61-year-old farmer died by suicide allegedly after failing to repay a loan in a village in Dakshina Kannada district on Monday night, police said. According to police, the farmer was driven to this extreme step due to mounting financial pressure and the inability to repay the loan he had taken for agricultural purposes. Speaking to the reporters, one of …
Three girls, aged between 17 and 19, suffered burn injuries in an acid attack by a 23-year-old stalker at a government pre-university college in Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka on Monday, police said. “I strongly condemn the heinous crime of acid attack on three female students on the premises of a government PU college in Kadaba taluk of Dakshina Kannada …
Mangaluru: Three girl students sustained third-degree burn injuries on their faces following an acid attack at a government pre-university college in the taluka headquarters town of Kadaba in Dakshina Kannada district on Monday, police said. The incident was reported from the Government College in Kadaba near Mangaluru city. Girls were sitting in corridors of college The police said that the …
Mysuru: A wild elephant killed two persons including a girl at Renjilady village in Kadaba taluk of Dakshina Kannada district on Monday, forest officials said. Amid the protest, a verbal spat ensued and tense situation prevailed as the Kadaba police allegedly deleted a video made by a person highlighting the elephant menace in the area. "Wild elephants are destroying crops …
Karnataka High Court has held that if the offence under the Mines and Minerals Act is compounded by collecting fine, prosecution under section 379, of Indian Penal Code, does not survive. Justice P B Bajanthri quashed the proceedings registered against Suresh K and Fransic @Manjunath Joseph at the Kadaba police station for the offence p/u/s 4 and. Justice P B …