A blockbuster hit from actor Vikram is long overdue. Rajesh M Selva, the director of Kamal Haasan's Thoongavanam, has directed Kadaram Kondan and the film has been produced by Ulaganayagan under his production banner Raaj Kamal Films International. Here are the responses to Vikram's Kadaram Kondan: #KadaramKondan - So well made action thriller which will engage you through out. #KadaramKondanFromJuly19 …
Rajesh Selva is adamant on not letting go of the Thoongavanam template, but his stubbornness has finally paid off. Like his last film, Kadaram Kondan also has a protagonist who is that stereotypical double agent with a past that we are not privileged enough to know. Coming to the story of Kadaram Kondan, the action drama is about a distressed …