Virat Kohli recently confessed that while growing up he admired actor Hrithik Roshan. Pictures from Virat Kohli's signed-up page from a slam book are also going viral which mentions the actor as the cricketer's ‘most admirable person.’ Talking about it, Virat also said that he was blown away by Hrithik's debut film Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai. Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai …
Actress Ameesha Patel, who is all set to make a comeback with the sequel to her most-talked-about film Gadar, recalled her initial days in the film industry in a recent interview with Pinkvilla and shared how she was tagged as a “rich brat” back then. In the interview, Ameesha, who made her Bollywood debut with the 2000 film Kaho Naa… …
Twinkle Khanna's first production, Pad Man, won Best Film on Social Issues at National Film Awards announced on Friday. A number of people dissuaded me from making a movie about pads and today Mrs Funnybones Movies’ first production wins the National Award:) Sometimes you start with good intentions and good luck follows.Period. #Padman Twinkle Khanna August 9, 2019 Akshay …
Post the success of Super 30, Hrithik Roshan has opened up about his feelings regarding the widespread adulation he is receiving and how humbling it is. Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30 is fairing well at the box office. The actor also reveals that Anand’s feedback on the film got Roshan so excited that he “screamed out of happiness.” Hrithik says he …