Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu has been quite an entertainer amid the COVID-19 lockdown. Yet again she grabbed eyeballs with her latest post on Instagram in which along with her sister Shagun can be seen enjoying Hrithik Roshan's debut film Kaho Naa. Hrithik got impressed by Taapsee's gesture and re-shared her picture to his Insta story and wrote, "Now that's a …
Taapsee Pannu has revealed Hrithik Roshan remains her and her housemates’ favourite choice to binge-watch at home. Taapsee Pannu and sister Shagun recently binge-watched Kaho Naa. She captioned it, “This house can’t get enough of @hrithikroshan so we start from the beginning!” and can be heard saying, “because we are such big fans of Hrithik Roshan.” Shagun Pannu watches Kaho …
Akshay Kumar is on Cloud 9. His film Pad Man bagged the National Award for Best Film On Social Issues. #Padman Twinkle Khanna August 9, 2019 Akshay Kumar quoted Twinkle's tweet and wrote, "Yes and the next call was to me, half anxious.half excited to confirm if we’d actually won the #NationalAward for Best Film On Social Issues for …