On Saturday, Hrithik Roshan bagged the trophy for Best Actor in a Leading Role at International Indian Film Academy Awards 2023. The actors are seen doing the hookstep of Hrithik's song Ek Pal Ka Jeena, which featured in his debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Another one said, “My favourite actor dancing to my favourite song from my favourite film.” …
Twinkle Khanna's first production, Pad Man, won Best Film on Social Issues at National Film Awards announced on Friday. A number of people dissuaded me from making a movie about pads and today Mrs Funnybones Movies’ first production wins the National Award:) Sometimes you start with good intentions and good luck follows.Period. #Padman https://t.co/s1xwoiiJfn Twinkle Khanna August 9, 2019 Akshay …
Akshay Kumar is on Cloud 9. His film Pad Man bagged the National Award for Best Film On Social Issues. #Padman https://t.co/s1xwoiiJfn Twinkle Khanna August 9, 2019 Akshay Kumar quoted Twinkle's tweet and wrote, "Yes and the next call was to me, half anxious.half excited to confirm if we’d actually won the #NationalAward for Best Film On Social Issues for …