Actress Gauahar Khan and her husband Zaid Darbar, who is a YouTuber, were seen dancing to the title track of the movie Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, starring Hrithik Roshan and Amisha Patel. Recreating the famous step of the song and sharing it on Instagram, Zaid captioned it as “Main tera hero” and called Gauahar his partner in crime. View this …
Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu has been quite an entertainer amid the COVID-19 lockdown. Yet again she grabbed eyeballs with her latest post on Instagram in which along with her sister Shagun can be seen enjoying Hrithik Roshan's debut film Kaho Naa. Hrithik got impressed by Taapsee's gesture and re-shared her picture to his Insta story and wrote, "Now that's a …
Twinkle Khanna's first production, Pad Man, won Best Film on Social Issues at National Film Awards announced on Friday. A number of people dissuaded me from making a movie about pads and today Mrs Funnybones Movies’ first production wins the National Award:) Sometimes you start with good intentions and good luck follows.Period. #Padman Twinkle Khanna August 9, 2019 Akshay …
Post the success of Super 30, Hrithik Roshan has opened up about his feelings regarding the widespread adulation he is receiving and how humbling it is. Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30 is fairing well at the box office. The actor also reveals that Anand’s feedback on the film got Roshan so excited that he “screamed out of happiness.” Hrithik says he …