On Saturday, Hrithik Roshan bagged the trophy for Best Actor in a Leading Role at International Indian Film Academy Awards 2023. The actors are seen doing the hookstep of Hrithik's song Ek Pal Ka Jeena, which featured in his debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. Another one said, “My favourite actor dancing to my favourite song from my favourite film.” …
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HRITHIK ROSHAN: Greek God of Bollywood, Hrithik Roshan turned a year older on January 10. From starting as a child artist to leading main roles in many movies, Hrithik Roshan’s presence in the industry has been self-explanatory. War Hrithik Roshan’s War with Tiger Shroff in 2019 was one of the highest-grossing films and collected over Rs 400 crore …
The 20th edition of the International Indian Film Academy Awards celebrated the past two decades with special honours. Awards were conferred upon Deepika Padukone for Chennai Express, Ranbir Kapoor for Barfi, Rajkumar Hirani for 3 Idiots, Pritam for Ae Dil Hai Mushkil while the film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai also won special award in the Best Film in the last …