With the Lok Sabha polls on the anvil, the Panchamasali Lingayat Reservation Agitation Committee has planned to re-launch an agitation through its mega convention in Kalaburagi on March 12, to press for its long-pending demand for inclusion under Category 2A and bringing all Lingayat sub-castes under central OBCs list. Committee president Basava Jaya Mrutyunjaya Swami of Kudalasangama Panchamasali Peeth told …
Kalaburagi: With a view to send out a message that the Veerashaiva-Lingayats are backing the Congress candidate in the Kalaburagi Lok Sabha seat, Mallikarjun Kharge, a convention of the community was held here on Friday. Top Congress leaders belonging to the community such as Akhila Bharat Veerashaiva Lingayat Mahasabha president Shamanur Shivashankarappa, KPCC Working President Eswhar Khandre, Ministers M.B. Patil, …