Tamil Nadu all-rounder G. Kamalini, who was signed by Mumbai Indians for ₹1.60 crore in the WPL mini auction in Bengaluru on Sunday, said she didn’t expect to go for such a hefty amount. Speaking to Sportstar from Kuala Lumpur, an excited Kamalini said, “I am extremely happy to be picked by the Mumbai Indians. Kamalini expressed her gratitude to …
Chandigarh: Sunday turned out to be special for G Kamalini, a 16-year-old allrounder from Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu’s 16-year-old G Kamalini was picked up by Mumbai Indians for ₹ 1.6 Cr at the WPL auction. The left-handed opener hit an unbeaten 29-ball 44 to set up India’s nine-wicket triumph in Malaysia, which was followed by Mumbai Indians buying the uncapped …