This year, Govardhan puja will be celebrated on October 26 as according to Hindu mythology, the festival should be celebrated on Pratipada Tithi of Kartik month when Krishna is believed to have defeated Indra. Move over regular dishes and give the Govardhan Puja bhog a contemporary twist of flavours with the recipes of Apple Butter, Mohanthal and lemongrass infused pumpkin …
Today I want to salute the family members of a 46-year-old woman Kamini Patel from Surat, who was declared brain dead after a severe brain haemorrhage. The heart was to be sent from Surat to Mumbai and transplanted within four hours, both the lungs were to be sent to Hyderabad, and kidney and liver were to be given to donors …
There are very few selfless people whose will to help others never ends even when they themselves are in pain. One such example has been set by a Surat woman who was declared brain dead but donated her heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and eyes to those in need. On May 19, 46-year-old Kamini Patel from Bardoli Takula of Surat dealt …