Kamlesh Kamtekar, a Mumbai-based graphic designer shared his tale of losing job due to cost-cutting measures, and how he faced a tough road ahead in a post on LinkedIn. After months of sending out job applications, facing rejections, and receiving offers for underpaid positions, Kamtekar made a decision to leave his career behind and start a new chapter as an …
When Mumbai-based Kamlesh Kamtekar lost his job to cost-cutting, he faced an uphill battle. After months of relentless job applications, rejections, and offers of undervalued roles, Kamtekar made an extraordinary decision: to leave his field entirely and start a new chapter as an auto-rickshaw driver. Kamtekar, a seasoned assistant creative manager with 14 years of experience in graphic design, found …
A graphic designer with 14 years of work experience turns an auto-driver after losing his job due to cost-cutting. As a Assistant Creative Manager with having 14 years of experience in Graphic Designing I had trying to find new job after losing my previous job," Kamtekar wrote. Then I decided “भाड मे जाये नोकरी अब खुदका Business करेंगे” but not …
On account of buzz for interest rate cut by most of the central banks globally, Indian stock market has been climbing to new highs since Friday last week. They said that political stability after BJP's win in three big states in Hindi hearland is also attracting FIIs towards Indian equity market. Speaking on the reason for FIIs' trend reversal in …