The Mangaluru East police have arrested a man who allegedly broke the window of a car parked near the Kankanady flower market and stole a aptop and other valuables on December 8. While there were reports on social media that the accused worked in a flower stall in Kankanady where the victim regularly purchased flowers, the police said the investigation …
Our journey from New Delhi to Kankanady by the Rajdhani Express was an interesting experience. Reality dawned soon for the bright sun suddenly disappeared behind dark clouds that came from nowhere. The laundry man was engrossed listening to Hindi commentary of an India-Australia ODI cricket match on the transistor while ironing clothes. The request in English too got a staccato …
A moving autorickshaw caught fire, after a minor blast reportedly occurred from a bag being carried by the passenger in the city on Saturday. The incident occurred near Kankanady Town Police Station on Padil-Pumpwell Main Road at around 5 p.m., said Commissioner of Police N. Shashi Kumar. Stating that not much details were available as the driver and passenger were …