The Bombay High Court on Monday directed the Maharashtra government to not keep any applications, filed by kin of Covid-19 victims seeking ex-gratia compensation, pending merely because they are not filed online. The bench of Chief Justice Dipankar Datta and Justice VG Bisht was hearing a petition filed by an NGO seeking ex-gratia payment to those whose claims were delayed …
The Bombay High Court has allowed the Shia Muslim community to take out processions and perform rituals on the occasion of Muharram but subject to certain conditions in view of Covid-19. READ: UP bans religious processions during Muharram but allows 'Tazias', 'Majlis' with restrictions Opposing the plea, government pleader Poornima Kantharia relied upon a circular to contend that the latest …
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday while hearing a batch of PILs and a writ petition seeking directions for members of the legal profession and their registered clerks to be included in the category of providers of "essential services" and therefore be entitled to travel by the suburban local trains operated by the Central Railway and the Western Railway, observed …