Actor Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja's son Vayu Kapoor Ahuja turned one on Sunday. Inside Vayu Kapoor's first birthday Sonam took to her Instagram handle and dropped a bunch of photos from the celebration. Anil Kapoor, Sunita Kapoor join too One photo was a family picture where Sonam's father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita Kapoor joined Anand's family members. Also …
It’s been a month since the lovebirds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt became husband and wife. After dating each other for around five years, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married at Mumbai’s Vastu building, where both own individual apartments. Take a look: ALIA SHARED PICS WITH RANBIR ON 1 MONTH OF WEDDING Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s wedding was …
Veteran actor Dimple Kapadia will feature in Christopher Nolan’s next film, which has been named Tenet, the makers announced Wednesday. Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, starring Dimple Kapadia, will be shot in seven countries. Check out more reactions here: Tenet will not be Kapadia’s first appearance in an English language film. As per reports, Tenet is Nolan’s follow-up to his Oscar-nominated war …
Ace comedian Kapil Sharma who had maintained a low profile for around a year has made his comeback with The Kapil Sharma Show season 2. According to the BARC report, The Kapil Sharma Show 2 in its first week itself ranked number on across all channels. On Thursday evening, The Kapil Sharma Show team celebrated the massive success of the …
Everyone in Bollywood is in the mood to celebrate Diwali. On Diwali, it was the turn of close friend Karan Johar to host a bash which was attended by several members of the young brigade of Bollywood. Karan Johar’s Diwali party saw some of his closest pals like Kareena Kapoor Khan among others in attendance. Another celebrity who attracted a …