In Indian culture, father-son relationships are quite emotionally stunted and formal, but actor Nakuul Mehta challenged it recently as he took a 10-day road trip across Srinagar, Leh and Ladakh with his father, Pratap Singh Mehta. He says, “It’s the first time in my life when my father and I spent a fortnight together without the company of my mother, …
On the Rajat Jayanti of the Kargil war, Arav Bhardwaj, a 12-year-old from Delhi, will begin his 1200km journey on a cycle from the Kargil War Memorial in Kargil, Ladakh on July 26th. MS Bhardwaj, Arav Bhardwaj and Dr Atul Bhardwaj at Drass Police Station in Ladakh MS Bhardwaj, Arav Bhardwaj and Dr Atul Bhardwaj at Drass Police Station in …
A motorcycle expedition by a 25-member tri-services team consisting of only women, who will travel all the way to Dras in Ladakh, was flagged off from Delhi on Tuesday to mark 24 years of India's victory in the Kargil war. Delhi flags off all-women motorcycle expedition to Kargil War Memorial at Dras The "Nari Sashaktikaran Women Motorcycle Rally" was flagged …