Acting on a tip-off, the Kolkata Police yesterday arrested a 35-year-old Asadullah Sk alias Raja from the southern metropolis of Chennai. The Special Task Force of the Kolkata Police arrested Asadullah from a rented house in Canalpuram’s AA Nagar. In another incident, a week back, Kolkata police had arrested another JMB operative Mohammad Abdul Kashem alias Kashem from Canal East …
A suspected member of the terror outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh in India was arrested from Chennai on Monday by the Special Task Force of the Kolkata Police. Acting on a tip-off, an STF team arrested 35-year-old Asadullah Sk alias Raja. Last week, STF team arrested another JMB member, 22-year-old Mohammed Abul Kashem alias Kashem from Canal East Road in north Kolkata. …