A video that has gone viral on social media, a woman is heard hurling abuses at a cab driver for arriving seven minutes late. The woman clad in a pink attire is seen making classist comments on the driver in Hindi, saying, “Teri aukaad driver ki hain”, and “Do take ki aukaad hain teri”. In her tirade, the female passenger …
I was in salubrious Goa, desperately trying to dodge zillions of Dilliwallas who have as good as taken over this gorgeous state and established their own “klonies” across favoured villages and hamlets. Someone brilliant called Sambit Patra thundered on a bigoted/compromised television channel: “Why doesn’t Rihanna tweet about the 1984 riots?” Excellent question, Shri Patra. I thought lazily and idly …
By Durga Chakravarty New Delhi, Aug 7 With frequent media reports of helpless women in the hinterland being branded as witches or stigmatised for being possessed by "evil spirits" -- often resulting in their persecution and even muder -- the Indian small screen is focusing on shows that highlight the paranormal and feed on people's dark side -- despite these …