Former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh and his wife Hazel Keech welcomed their first child, a boy, on Tuesday. Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech got married in 2016. Yuvraj Singh made his international debut in an ODI match against Kenya in October 2000, and went on to play 304 ODIs, 40 Tests, and 58 T20Is for India. READ | Yuvraj Singh …
The charm and beauty of our Bollywood heroines have thoroughly impressed Indian cricketers to an extraordinary degree. The relationship between cricketers and actresses trace right back to the time when Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi fell head over heels for Sharmila Tagore. Sharmila Tagore and Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi India's youngest Test captain, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi was one of the …
It was Yuvraj Singh's time to help with some household chores on Thursday and his mother made sure she caught on camera. The World Cup-winning former India all-rounder shared a funny video in which the cricketer's mother can be seen filming her son cleaning the utensils. Yuvraj Singh's mother claims 'it has never happened' before as the former cricketer can …
Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan has finally found the leading lady for her directorial debut. Ira who will be directing her first play which is an adaptation of Euripides' Greek tragedy Medea has zeroed in on Hazel Keech for the titular role. Hazel Keech who shot to fame with Kareena Kapoor Khan and Salman Khan's 2011 movie Bodyguard is making …