Kerala unit BJP president K Surendran said that Union Health Minister JP Nadda informed him on Saturday that the request for a NEET PG exam centre in the state would be granted and said that the announcement would be made on August 5. JP Nadda to announce NEET PG exam centre for Kerala on Aug 5, says K Surendran The …
It is 3pm on Wednesday afternoon, and a voice ripples through the gathered crowd. The ambulancerushes into the single storey Family Health Centre in Meppadi, 13 kilometres away from the landslide-hit villages of Chooralmala in Wayanad district. {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} Two days after multiple landslides hit Chooralmala and Mandukkai in Kerala’s Wayanad, leaving at last count 194 people dead, …