Kannada star Yash became a nationwide name after his role as Rocky Bhai in KGF films. The films were also a breakthrough for director Prashanth Neel who bagged a big film like Prabhas’ Salaar post-KGF: Chapter 2. At present, the question on the minds of fans is “when will KGF3 be made?” If you have watched KGF: Chapter 2, you …
Yash's long-pending KGF: Chapter 2, directed by Prashanth Neel, graced the cinemas worldwide on April 14. As KGF: Chapter 2 hit the screens today, the post-credits scene had a special surprise for fans. Here are some reactions: The Way the shown hint for #KGF3 in end credits scene Literally Goosebumps vasthai #KGF2 — Rusthum April 14, 2022 ALL ABOUT KGF: …