Days after the gruesome murder of Kanhaiya Lal, it has now come to light that a Khadim of Ajmer Dargah named Gauhar Chisti had met one of the killers of the Hindu tailor. Gauhar Chishti had asked Riyaz to make the video after the murder, Mohammad Riyaz Attari and Gaus Mohammad were going to #Ajmer to meet Gauhar Chishti after …
Highlights A man in Rajasthan's Ajmer offers his house, property to anyone who will behead Nupur Sharma He gave this statement after listening to Nupur Sharma's controversial remarks on Prophet Mohammad The man was reportedly identified as Salman Chishti Syed Salman Chisti, a history-sheeter and khadim of the Ajmer dargah, has offered his house and property to anyone who beheads …